PetSocial is the best free app for pet lovers. PetSocial lets you brag about all the things that make you happy and what makes your pet special! Pawful lot of pet friendly features.PetSocial is your free pet lovers app that helps you stay connected with pets around the world. View posts from others based on animal, breed, toys, filters. Craft mobile videos and photos to share your pet’s life. We created PetSocial with pet first features such as our unique patent-pending Squeaky Toy Camera that captures the attention of dogs and cats. Find the best pet sitter, dog walker, groomer and see who is a part of your community by checking in who else goes to the same veterinarian or dog park. When you’re having a rough day go through PetSocial’s explore page to brighten your day up.Map your pet’s pedigree and see who else may have a close sibling to theirs. Help local animal shelters by donating and spreading the word about pets looking for their forever home.PetSocial is perfect for pet enthusiasts. Our vision is a happier world for pet owners by making life easier for you and the virtual and physical products and services that cater to you. ** Have Feedback **Twitter: @PetSocial_appEmail:
[email protected] Subject line: "Android Feedback"